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Vape Advocacy

Why Vaping Shouldn’t Be Banned

By Gordon Stribling 1st February 2021 3 Mins


Vaping Can Help the UK Go Smoke-Free

In 2019, the Office of National Statistics estimated that 14.1 percent of people in the UK smoked, accounting around 6.9 million people.

The British government has set a target for England to be smoke-free by 2030, but with cuts to stop smoking services, there are fewer services available to help those who are struggling.

Vape shops can help smokers cut down on cigarettes or quit altogether, reducing the burden on the NHS.

Vaping is also much more flexible than other tobacco alternatives such as nicotine patches and gum.

The experience can be tailored to an individual’s tastes and requirements, making them more likely to stay smoke-free for good.

Read more: Where does Vaping Fit on the ‘Continuum of Risk’?

Restrictions Drive the Market Underground

Wherever there are bans, there are black markets.

When America banned alcohol in 1920, an estimated 10,000 people died from drinking tainted alcohol sold in illegal speakeasies.

There is already evidence of flavour bans in Massachusetts leading to an increase in illegal activity.

Massachusetts passed bill H4183 in December 2019 banning flavours and introducing an excise tax of 75 percent.

The U.S Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has reported an increase in the number of illegal vape products on the market, which is considered to be a $10 billion industry already.

Michael Llandl from the World Vapers’ Alliance commented:

“New data indicates that after the flavour ban was implemented, cigarette sales in the region increased.

“It is clear that the Massachusetts flavour ban has failed and even does harm to public health.”


A silver and black doctors stethoscope lying on its side.

Vaping Is Much Less Harmful Than Smoking

An independent report published in September backed up Public Health England’s (PHE) position that e-cigarettes are much less harmful than combustible tobacco.

The Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) concluded that while not risk-free, e-cigarettes likely presented a much lower risk to health than tobacco.

The report was commissioned by PHE and the Department of Health and Social Care.

A 2019 study conducted at the University of Dundee found that switching to vaping improved heart health within a month.

Vaping Has Economic Benefits

The vaping industry is set to be worth $3.3 billion by 2027 and employs thousands across the UK.

In an era of lockdowns, pandemic panic and employment issues, vaping industry has remained steady.

This is even as the unemployment rate hit a four year high in autumn, with further job losses predicted for 2021.

To ban vaping would result in a huge loss of tax, jobs, income and could potentially force people back to cigarettes.


Topics: Quit Smoking, Recommended


About this author

Gordon Stribling