Geekbar AD
Image of a pitbull dog at the Vapouround office


Introducing Mr Vapour Hound! Meet the newest addition to the Vapouround team

By Roisin Delaney 15th August 2018 2 Mins


Hello there! I’m the new Vapouround mascot. My family call me Mr Vapour Hound, but you can just call me Mister.

I live in Derby and my mum and dad work with Vapouround. I’m finally three months old now so they take me everywhere with them for work – to the lounges, the office and the warehouse, which is really like a big kennel!

When I first came to the Vapouround office, I was passed around from human to human like I was something special. Everyone wanted to rub my belly.

I was used to being called Bruno at home, but everyone here called me Mr Vapour Hound. I was a bit confused to start with but after a while I started to like it.

On my first day at the office, I was brought into a strange room and someone started to take photos of me with something called a camera. They were shouting my name to get my attention so I struck a few poses because, woof, why not, at least look cute.

My favourite part was when they gave me a hat to chew on. All of the attention and cuddles were wonderful, but I needed my beauty sleep. I sat for a few more photos before we left for home and I could finally nap in the car.

I like my new friends at Vapouround, and I think they like me too!

The second time I was taken to the office, I came with Liv and Mummy. I didn’t want to walk to start with but I soon realised that my friends were all here again to see me.

Liv took me to accounts to see Jo, Lauren and Anna. Then I was carried on an adventure to explore upstairs. There was a nice soft bed waiting for me in the design room. I love them all in that department, they like to play and have photoshoots. They’re the best! After playing and some more exploring, it was time for a nap in front of a fan with a nice breeze. And before I knew it, it was time to go home to my big brother again.

I like having my own office, I really like photographs and I think I’m ready to be the boss as well as the mascot now.

Until next time,

Mr Vapour Hound 

*By Olivia Johnson



About this author

Roisin Delaney