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Industry Readies for VApril Launch

By Gordon Stribling 31st March 2021 2 Mins


The UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) will launch its forth annual VApril campaign on Thursday 1.

The awareness campaign aims to educate smokers on the benefits of switching to e-cigarettes.

This year’s campaign will once again have a digital focus, with businesses and trade groups nationwide getting involved.

The VApril website features the Switch on to Vaping Plan to help them smokers make the successful switch to the UK’s leading smoking-cessation method.

Smokers can also have their questions answered by an expert panel and benefit from in-store advice when participating shops re-open on April 12.

UKVIA director-general, John Dunne, said:

“With the disruption of the last year, there were reports that there was a smoking comeback.

“We are determined to get things back on track and giving smokers a real choice, starting with VApril 2021 as vape retail stores begin to reopen.

“If you’re a smoker and looking to quit visit our website or visit one of the participating retailers during the month.”

The campaign in backed by former Secretary of State for Wales, David Jones MP.

Jones said:

“E-cigarettes are a very important tool in supporting adult smokers to quit. Communicating the health benefits of less harmful alternatives is essential; and consumer campaigns, such as VApril, can help hugely to achieve Smokefree 2030 and the Government’s commitment to levelling up.”

The campaign kicks off at 10am on Thursday 1 with a special debate over Zoom.

Speaking at the event are:

UKVIA Director-Deneral, John Dunne

Mark Pawsey MP and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping

Patricia Kovacevic, Global Legal and Regulatory Strategist at Andina Gold Corp

Clive Bates, Director of Counterfactual Consulting and former Director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). 

Topics of discussion include the affect of the pandemic on the vape industry, vaping and the World Health Organization’s COP9 and the misperceptions putting smokers off making the switch.



About this author

Gordon Stribling